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Developing A City of Ukiah Climate Action Resolution

As Climate Action Mendocino’s work was progressing after some lifting of social engagement protocols following the pandemic at the beginning of 2022 we began to focus on how the City of Ukiah could become more engaged in climate action. Our group was not optimistic that we could accomplish having the City of Ukiah consider a Climate Emergency Resolution.


Meeting with city officials

Around this time, members of our group began meeting with the the City Manager and the Deputy Manager, both of whom were open to our ideas.  From there, we worked together to create a document that both included our groups commitments and came directly from the City Management staff.

Proposals to City Council Members

Next, we met with City Council members to present the proposed Climate Emergency Resolution and express the need for the City of Ukiah to begin combating climate change. Each City Council member was aware of the dire threat of our warming planet. We shared the same concern and need for action.

The Climate Emergency Resolution focuses on the areas of Energy Efficiency, Transportation, Solid Waste, Urban Greenhouse Gas Drawdown, Land Use, Community Engagement, Water, Information Technology, Parks and Recreation, and Fire Prevention. City Council members were definitely on board.

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City Action

The Climate Emergency Resolution and, specifically, the above mentioned topics catapulted the City of Ukiah into including the general direction of the Climate Emergency Resolution into the City’s current General Plan. Progress continues as the City of Ukiah develops its Climate
Action Plan and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Action Plans.

Complete Streets

Climate Action Mendocino Is a proponent of the Complete Streets Project, an effort to make roads and cities accessible to everyone, regardless of their method of transportation.  This website offers more information about this important project.